Southern Exposure Studio General 10 Ways To Burn Fat

10 Ways To Burn Fat

10 Ways To Burn Fat

Many health benefits come with reducing body fat. Chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can be better managed and the risk of heart disease can be reduced. In addition to great health, burning fat makes you feel great and your energy and motivation go up.

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Here are some of the best ways to burn fat:

Advice For Burning Fat

1. Strength And Weight Training

Strength or resistance training involves contracting your muscles against resisting forces such as weights. It can burn calories as much as cardio, if not more. With cardio, burning the calories stops once you stop exercising, while with strength training calorie burning continues even long after the training has stopped. If it is combined with aerobic exercise it is a great way to burn belly fat.

2. Start High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

This new form of exercise consists of short periods of very intense exercise which are followed by short periods of rest or recovery. Your heart rate stays up and the number of calories burned in a short amount of time is significantly higher compared to other types of cardio. An easy way to try out HIIT is sprinting for 30 seconds followed by walking for 30 seconds. You can also do exercises like push-ups or squats followed by short periods of rest. Studies have shown that HIIT can burn way more calories than other types of exercises like jogging or cycling.

3. Include Cardio In Your Workouts

Aerobic exercises condition both your lungs and heart. Including it in your routine by performing simple tasks such as running, walking or dancing can decrease your belly and body fat and increase your muscle mass. Just 15 to 30 minutes of cardio a day can contribute greatly to fat loss.

4. Reduce Carb Intake

Reducing carbs especially refined carbs in your diet can help you lose the extra fat. They have very little nutrients and are low in fiber. They cause sudden increase and decrease in blood sugar levels which makes you feel more hungry. Consuming refined carbs such as pasta, white bread, and processed foods has been linked to an increase in belly fat, and they should be replaced with whole grains.

5. Increase Protein In Your Diet

Eating more protein increases your metabolism which helps with fat burning. A high-protein diet reduces your appetite so you can eat less food and burn more fat. It gives you a feeling of fullness which helps you avoid or reduce a lot of calorie intake hence reducing belly fat and your muscle mass is preserved. Some foods that are rich in protein include seafood, eggs, meat, and legumes.

6. Eat Fibre

In the digestive system, viscous fiber absorbs water which causes the food to move slowly and improves the absorption of nutrients. In the process it also makes you feel fuller for a long period. Your appetite decreases and so does your calorie intake, causing gradual weight and fat loss. Some high-fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains.

7. Eat Small Portions Of Food More Frequently

We tend to eat three large meals a day with occasional snacks in between. Instead, we should eat six small meals per day to ensure that our bodies are provided with the necessary nutrients to burn fat. It also helps us prevent our bodies from entering the starvation mode which usually happens if we eat meals far apart. If this happens, the body starts burning muscle to produce energy, while increasing body-fat stores at the same time. Your metabolism slows down. This is the exact opposite of burning fat, and we want to avoid this.

8. Sleep More And Rest

Squeezing in more sleep in your schedule can boost burning fat. Great sleep quality of at least 7 hours a night has been proven to increase the likelihood of weight loss, as it is associated with decreased hunger and appetite. It helps clear your mind and reduce stress, which can cause a lot of snacking during the day. Lack of sleep alters your hunger hormones leading to an increased appetite and an increased carb intake.

9. Hydrate

Drink a lot of water. Sometimes our bodies mistake dehydration for hunger. As much as food provides water for our bodies, you should aim for most of your water intake to come from drinks. Staying hydrated improves body functionality and your food is processed better, curbing hunger and keeping you away from extra calories. Steer clear of drinks such as coffee, alcohol, or sugary drinks such as sodas. Instead, stick to water and tea which hydrates you without adding calories.

There are plenty of ways in which you can burn body fat successfully. Making this change in your lifestyle greatly improves your health. These healthy habits and diet will make a great difference giving you the active life that you deserve.